Articles Posted by Marek Bogusiewicz


Przemyski Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości i Innowacji: „Poszukujemy ambitnych, sympatycznych i zdolnych programistów, absolwentów lub studentów ostatnich lat informatyki lub kierunków pokrewnych, którzy będą prowadzić zajęcia z programowania dla dzieci i młodzieży. Jeżeli: Programujesz w jednym z języków: C#, Java, Python Znasz jedno ze środowisk programistycznych: Android Studio, Unity, Visual Studio Jesteś osobą cierpliwą i masz pedagogiczne […]
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KIEROWCA Oferta pracy dla kierowcy w firmie All Trans Logistic Przemyśl. Pracodawca poszukuje kierowcy busa – wyjazdy międzynarodowe. Wyjazdy 3/1 – 3 tygodnie w trasie, 1 tydzień w domu. Kontakt – email: .
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PRAKTYKANT (kancelaria radców prawnych)

„Miejsce pracy: biuro na Anny 9 Kraków lub zdalnie. Nr ref: 321/12/2021 Podstawowe obowiązki: Pomoc w bieżącej obsłudze klientów, sporządzaniu pism, umów, sporządzanie artykułów branżowych i tekstów; kontakt z sądami i urzędami. Oczekiwania: Status studenta i minimalna dyspozycyjność dwa pełne dni w tygodniu. Oferujemy: Oferujemy praktykę w kancelarii radców prawnych w Krakowie. -Dzięki praktyce zainteresowałam […]
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„Job description Role description Exploring Excel and playing with its functionalities can be very interesting- we know this from the everyday experience. Do you feel the same way? Do you find being a “Data Sherlock” exciting? Do you see a new challenge as another opportunity to win? Are you fearless (at least when it comes […]
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„Job description Imagine working for an organization that truly believes in a set of values which drive its performance, define its culture and help it grow. Imagine that in the center of it all is a team of individuals united in creating a diverse, unique workplace and business experience. As an industry-focused managed services company, […]
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„Job description Do you like to delve into things you read? Do you have a super power to analyze things beyond what most mortals see? Do you hold your standards (and comrades) in high regard? Are you ready to change the status quo to join forces with a new and ever-growing terrain? As we are […]
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„Job description Do you have a good eye (or two) for detail? Would you like to travel (virtually) to different lands from the comfort of your own desk? Are you passionate (about something, anything!)? Are you brave enough to change up the work environment you know, to a new and exciting one? As we are […]
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Elixir Developer – praca zdalna

Oferta pracy po angielsku: „If you’re an ambitious programmer who has already got a fair deal of experience creating web applications, and you’d like to work on projects whose technological stack includes: Elixir, Erlang/OTP, Phoenix Framework, Absinthe on the backend side, JS and widely-adopted frameworks such as React and Vue on the frontend side, as […]
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React Developer – praca zdalna

Oferta pracy po angielsku: „We’re Curiosum, Poznań, Poland-based company working on software for a variety of businesses, including but not limited to: video games, e-learning, smart insurance, compliance management platforms, among others. If you join us, you’ll have a chance to: Be at the core of a young, ambitious & integrated team using state-of-the-art technology, with knowledge sharing and […]
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React Native Developer (Video Games Industry) – praca zdalna

Oferta pracy po angielsku: „We’re Curiosum, Poznań, Poland-based company working on software for a variety of businesses, including but not limited to: video games, e-learning, smart insurance, compliance management platforms, among others. If you join us, you’ll have a chance to: Be at the core of a young, ambitious & integrated team using state-of-the-art technology, with knowledge sharing and mutual […]
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